After I learned some Biblical and scientific facts about the Shroud of Turin, I began to research the available literature. There is so much data, videos, and publications on this artifact that no other artifact in history can compare to the amount of research. And yet, the method of creation for this sacred cloth still escapes scientists, but science seems to be closing in on who, how and why the cloth was made. Few people who have worked on this cloth doubt its origin - it was made by God at the time of the resurrection of Christ!
Shroud of Turin provides evidence that science believes:
1. Jesus was moving after crucifixion in his tomb at the time the image(s) were captured on the Shroud!
2. An incredible amount of energy was released from his body when the image was produced! 16,000,000 watts/cm2 at 193 nanometers of radiation was necessary to yield characteristics similar to the shroud! This means, if you were to light every light in the Dallas cowboys stadium, it would require 750 million watts to produce the same characteristics as seen on the shroud, but still, it would not produce an image. So, if we were to take 16-million watts of energy and concentrate it on one square cm, the fibers will take on the same characteristic as the fibers on the shroud. It would take over the entire shroud would take 6 to 8 billion watts of energy in 12 billionth of a second, 2000 years ago! This would require 14,000 ArF lasers to produce.
3. Identified 360-wounds from the Roman flagellation based on the contusions and blood spots on the cloth. 124 wounds on the head and neck alone.
"No combination of physical, chemical, biological or medical circumstances could account for this image. ... There is absolutely no way that a human body could leave an imprint such as that of the Shroud of Turin on a cloth.”
1 Cor. 16:31 “Listen, I will tell you a mystery … we will all be changed - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet”.Then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him” (John 19:1)
“Having made a crown of thorns they placed it on his head” Matthew 27:29
“They didn’t break his legs, but one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear bring a sudden flow of blood and water” (John 19:34).
Isaiah (1:4-6) prophecy “They have forsaken the Lord; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him. Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted. From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness—only wounds and welts and open sores.…”.